The Magik Tribe
Magik, as he explains, is the “Science and Art that provokes Change in conformity with the Will”, and that “all intentional acts are acts of magic.” So, like Schopenhauer, Crowley noted that will had the agency to merge with the primordial flow of the universe —So, in order to act upon nature all that was needed was to channel that will together with intention.
The magus maintained that human beings, by nature, have the capacity to produce changes in their environment, and that the only requirement to prompt this was to follow one´s own path; that is, to do as we wish. In his book Magick in Theory and Practice, Crowley explains:
“Anyone who is forced from his own course, either through not understanding himself, or through external opposition, comes into conflict with the order of the Universe.” He goes on to say that “Magick is the Science of understanding one’s self and one’s own situation. It is the art of applying this knowledge in action.”
Unknown Scent
So pretty. Amazing quality